Saturday, October 26, 2024

Cop City Protester Was Shot 57 Times; there was no ammo residue on the hands


It doesn’t seem like the police were agitated when Manuel Esteban Páez Terán was shot dead.

At least the evidence is pointing that way. In January, the 26-year-old forest guard known as “Tortuguita” shot dead by police As they protested the construction of a $90 million police training facility in Atlanta, Georgia.

New autopsy results DeKalb County reports that there was no gunpowder residue on Teran’s hands, contrary to police reports that stated that Teran had previously shot a state trooper, prompting the officers to respond with gunfire.

Even more terrifying, Terran was hit by at least 57 bullets from head to toe. officers fired at least 57 shots at a man who was protesting the construction of a militarized police facility and protect a forest, Fifty seven. If our vastly inflated police budget was anything to talk about, the police themselves created it.

Teran’s family reportedly conducted an independent autopsy that found Teran’s hands were raised during the shooting; The DeKalb County autopsy could not definitively come to a conclusion on this fact.

Conveniently, there is no body camera footage of the incident, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

The revelations follow an ongoing display of evidence why residents may be suspicious of over-funding the police. In March, at least 35 people detained indiscriminately At a concert organized by Coop City protesters. Twenty-three were charged with domestic terrorism.

Those arrested were accused of participating in sabotage and arson at a construction site over a mile away From where the music festival was organized. There was no substantial evidence that anyone was involved in illegal activity; Some were denied bond based on “evidence” such as wearing black clothing or having mud on their shoes (they were all in a forest where it had just rained).

While police continue to prove why they investigate more and make fewer exemptions, their behavior has yet to change; It’s not clear how much more damage they would have to do to inspire enough change to prevent such damage.