Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Teen Unemployment Rate US April 2023


Unemployment among teenagers (ages 16 to 19) in the United States stood at 9.2 percent in April 2023. The unemployment rate for teenagers has generally been much higher than that of adults. Seasonal adjustment is a statistical method for removing the seasonal component of a time series that is used when analyzing non-seasonal trends. The general unemployment rate by state can be found here, and the annual national unemployment rate can be found here.

youth unemployment

Youth unemployment, as opposed to teen unemployment, includes unemployed persons aged 16 to 24. This includes many more individuals who have either just finished school or are graduates and are looking for work. An unemployed person is someone who has been laid off, fired, or left their job and is still looking for a job. Unemployment occurs even in healthy economies. There are many reasons behind youth unemployment, for example: the mismatch between the educational system and the needs in the labor markets.

As of 2020, the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector had the highest global youth unemployment rate at 28.9 percent.