Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Aspects to remember while throwing a surprise party for the new year


So the new year is finally here! Well some of you might have been waiting for a miracle to happen right on new years eve and some of you might be expecting or thinking that it is finally 2023. Others might also have thought that 2022 was a really long year. Trust me even I have felt that. Well now the new year is here, party planning is once again in full swing. Definitely it is a difficult task to plan a party for New Years whether you’re planning this party for your family friends neighbours a very high and party with your work colleagues in all these cases it is a hectic task to put up so many things together and much more hectic than that is the cleaning to be done after the party is over. Well how to start a party planning for the New Year you need to start right after Christmas is over you could keep these things in mind while planning the best New Year’s party and of course it would not be stressful for you at all – 

Invite with flowers 

If you are inviting people over New Year’s it could be your colleagues or your friends and family that make sure that the invitation reaches them at least two days before the New Year’s so that you are sure whether they’re coming to your party or not and that way you can organise dinner and other meal courses for the amount of guests you would be receiving on New Years. You can send new year flowers  and to several other cities from wherever you are expecting guests. 

Now let’s make sure that your decorations have been put up on 31st of December if the party is on 1st January. Depending upon your budget you could either purchase some things for decorations like a welcome mat with new years on it. Go ahead and be creative, put up lots of candles around, maybe a nice chandelier in fact it could be a floral chandelier. And if it’s  a theme party then make sure that you do plan your decoration well in advance because it’ll be very difficult to finish it on 31st December and last minute decorators might be a bit extra on budget. 

Prepare a guest list 

Make sure that when you’re planning a party especially for New Years you have a priority guest list already how many people are coming to your house would anyone of them be staying with you or is it just a party with some local friends and a few other colleagues whom you know so depending upon all these things you’ll also need to arrange for those many places to sit and stay with you. And for those who are not coming to your party you can simply order and send orchid flower bouquets to their houses as a new year’s welcome. Also if you’ve overseas guests then during their stay you could keep orchids in their room. Orchids are considered lucky and symbolise beauty and wealth. 

Food shopping and preparation 

If you’re planning a party for New Year’s let’s say your guests are about 20 and you would be cooking for them then at least you should have prepared everything by 31st of December for a party on 1st January you could do all this by the evening and the next day in the morning or afternoon depending on the hours of your party your preparation for the dinner could start. But if you’re hiring caterers then make sure this is also on your priority list and has been done in advance by the time you leave for your Christmas holidays. And as a host be aware of  the ingredients your friends might be allergic to.

Let’s say you have put up a very fine decoration,the food is also tasty and everything is great but with this also you need to add something more and that is some beautiful crockery cutlery and glasses. Because even after being tasty if your food is served in unattractive crockery then your guests may have many comments about it or maybe some of them might have direct suggestions about what you could have used. So make sure that either you rent your crockery from a place or if you’re purchasing it you can do it at a dollar store. But make sure the combinations are classy. And also keep at least one of your sets extra so that if you have last minute guests coming in you could use them. 

Create a dance floor 

Well depending upon the preferences of your guests, you should have the dance floor prepared for them. While you’ll send out the invitations make sure that with the Flower Delivery in Bangalore, Kolkata or anywhere else you do inform them that this will be dance party. Try to keep it a casual dance because not many people know the different kinds of dances and people want yo start new years on a happy note and not on the fact that there are things that they don’t know. Now clear dome space in your house or in venue for dance gloom where you can enjoy some great time. 

Read More – Seven Outstanding Ideas For Prepping Special New Year’s Celebrations