Sunday, September 8, 2024

Conservative talk show host Larry Elder joins GOP presidential race


conservative talk show host Larry Elder jump into the 2024 Republican presidential race Thursday night, making his announcement on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program.

The 70-year-old veteran, running for office for the first time in a 2021 campaign to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D); He received the most votes of any of the 46 candidates, meaning he would have become governor if voters had not chosen by a wide margin to keep Newsom in office. Elder is joining a slightly less crowded GOP presidential field dominated by former President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), who has not officially entered the race.

Other contenders include former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. Sen. Tim Scott (RS.C.) is officially seeking the presidency, and former Vice President Mike Pence is among Republicans considering entering the race.

eldest told Carlson He is on the run partly because his father and brothers served in the military, “I’m the only one who didn’t serve, and I don’t feel good about it,” saying, “I feel like I have moral I am religious, and it is a patriotic duty to give back to a country that has been very good to my family and me.” Elder grew up in south-central Los Angeles, attended Brown University, and received a law degree from Michigan State. she has made the following among conservatives through his talk shows and frequent appearances on Fox News and other right-wing media.